Sunday, October 9, 2016

Useful Information On Baltimore Granite

By Jerry Anderson

There are several different definitions for the term granite. Archeologists define granites are coarse-grained igneous rocks that contain quartz and feldspar minerals. The rocks are entirely made of crystals. Another definition exists in the stone trade industry. Here, granites are defined as rocks that contain feldspar and have interlocking crystals large enough for one to see with their naked eye. In Baltimore granite gets defined by both definitions.

Granite rock is classified under rocks that are naturally produced in the crust of the earth. It is the strongest and most attractive rock. According to the second definition given above, some of the rocks that are classified as granites are monzonite, gabbro, granodiorite, arnorthosite, gneiss, granites, and syenite among many others are all sold under the trade name granite. It is produced and sold on the export market by several companies, with China being the main global exporter.

The process through which these rocks are formed involved gradual crystallization process several meters under the surface. Equigranular crystals that result are because of the gradual crystallization process. Feldspar and quartz are the main minerals that make up granites. Other minerals are also present, but in small amounts. Such minerals include amphiboles and mica. The rock is colored depending on its mineral compositions. Common colors include white, gray, red, and pink. Dark minerals can often be seen in it.

Granites are used hugely in constructing interior and exterior structures. The material is made very useful, valuable, and on high demand by the fact that it is produced through natural processes. People use them in building to send a message of quality and elegance. The making of countertops in kitchens and bathrooms is one of the major uses for this product according to statistical data collected in 2014.

The material is preferred in the making of countertops because apart from offering value, it also offers durability and aesthetic beauty. Countertops made from the rock can withstand a great deal of pressure and force without giving in, breaking, or chipping away. Besides the aforementioned advantages, granitic rocks are distinct in their appearance, which means that they offer uniqueness and originality in the home.

Granites also find a lot of use as building materials. They have been used for exterior construction for hundreds of years in the past. Some of the structures they are used to construct include monuments, paving, buildings, stair threads, bridges, wall tiles, and tile floors. The rocks used for building may be polished on one or both sides. The unpolished surfaces are usually finished or left rough.

Construction of paved surfaces also makes substantial use of the material. If the building doing the job is a professional, the results are usually very good and beautiful. Granitic rocks were in wider use in the paving industry in the past, but that has changed. The emergence of asphalt, concrete and other cheaper alternatives has led to the change.

Granites can be very expensive to acquire. As such, there use is often limited. Mostly people from the upper and middle class can afford to use them on a substantial level.

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